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Express Entry September Draw

Canada Issued 3,250 New Invitations for Express Entry September Draw

 Canada Issued 3,250 New Invitations: The latest express entry draw was held on September 14. As we know the draw is held every two weeks. So, on September 14, 2022, IRCC conducted an all-program express entry draw and invited 3,250 new immigrants to Canada. To be eligible to receive an ITA in this draw, a candidate must have a minimum CRS score of 510 points. The candidates need to submit their documents within 60 days after receiving ITA. Let us have a look at the details of the sixth all-program express entry draw of 2022 conducted on September 14 in this post.

All-program express entry draw #231

Express Entry September Draw

A Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used to invite candidates to the express entry pool for Canadian PR. The candidates who meet the minimum score requirement, only those candidates receive an ITA. The all-program express entry draws were resumed on July 6, 2022. And the CRS score cut-off was very high in that draw. However, the CRS score cut-off is coming down in each draw. The latest draw held on September 14, 2022, issued 3,250 invitations with a minimum CRS score requirement of 511 points.

Draw Date CRS Score Cut-Off Number Of ITAs Issued
September 14, 2022 510 3,250
August 31, 2022 516 2,750
August 17, 2022 525 2,250
August 3, 2022 533 2,000
July 20, 2022 542 1,750
July 6, 2022 557 1,500

Predictions about the next express entry draw

There are a lot of predictions about the next draw date and the CRS score cut-off. As we know that IRCC conducts a draw every two weeks. And there is a minimum of two draws held every month. So, the next draw is estimated to be held on September 28, 2022. Also, it is predicted that the CRS score cut-off will drop down in the future and Canada will issue more invitations in the next draws.

Next step after receiving ITA

Receiving an ITA is not the end of the procedure of getting Canadian PR. Once you get an ITA, you need to submit your documents to the Canadian Government for inquiry. And if the IRCC finds all the documents right, then only you will get the Canadian PR.

The candidates need to submit the following documents:

  • police certificates
  • medical exams
  • proof of funds
  • marriage certificate (if you have declared your martial status as married)

How much time will it take to process your file?

Are you a Canadian citizen if your parent is born in Canada(answered)

According to Canadian Immigration’s latest updates, the average processing time for express entry is 6 months.  The Canadian Government requires 6 months to do the inquiry and take a decision after the submission of documents. The processing time varies based on the following factors:

  • the type of application submitted
  • how easily IRCC can verify an applicant’s information
  • how long does a candidate take to respond to any request or concerns
  • other factors

Angad Immigration delivers the best immigration lawyers in Edmonton and Canada.

Schedule an appointment with us HERE if you need a licensed ICCRC Immigration Consultant to represent your application and streamline your path to Canada

We hope that you found this article about Canada Issued 3,250 New Invitations for Express Entry September Draw informational. If in case you have questions/queries related to any immigration program to Canada, please schedule an appointment with us. Our best immigration lawyers from Angad Immigration Canada will validate the profile as per the Immigration Program that best suits you.

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